Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Octagon Hall pt 1; Rachel’s story

Octagon Hall has always been one of my favorite purported Haunted locations to visit. I made it a point to try to visit the Hall at least once a year to hang out with the “occupants” and see what knowledge we could glean about the past lives of those wandering spirits. On this most recent trip I was accompanied by a few friends who tend to investigate in a more “non traditional” manor, and I was very excited to see how the Hall responded to these techniques. Upon arriving on location and getting a feel for the place, we decided that our intention that night would be to not just attempt to communicate with those passed on to the “other side”, but to also attempt to communicate with what Katie Webb referred to as the “Up”, or in other terms, extra terrestrials. We decided that we would create a ritual space, with each elemental point of the pentagram containing a physical representation of the element of that point and an offering of some sort. These items included herb infused water, fresh fruits, tobacco, bread with honey butter, and a few other items that we thought would serve our intentions well. At each point we gave thanks, made offerings, and shared in a communal space with the energies we were attempting to contact. Once the ritual was completed we began our investigation for the evening.

There are very few places that I have investigated that I will for sure say have unexplainable paranormal phenomena ...this place is at the top of that list. While I had no doubts we would encounter a spirit presence or two throughout the evening, I wasn't quite prepared for the “other” contact we received. Albeit there wasn't a grand entrance by a flying saucer dipping down into the center of the yard to say hello, we did, however, experience some rather odd lights in the sky that seemed to respond to flashing of our lights into return. The other ladies in the group also reported an uptick in the presence of Black Hawks (military personnel) in the skies overhead. I myself can not confirm that, as I did not see any helicopters or anything of the sort that evening. At one point in time while investigating the outside areas of the property Katie spotted some type of creature entering a barn at the far edge of the yard. She described it as almost a white ape type figure that ran towards the barn. I can only confirm that I heard the sound of the barn door slamming as if something or someone had run inside in a hurry. We decided to check it out, but the closer I got to the barn the more I got the sense that it was a set-up. We were being lured to that barn, and my instincts told me to keep my distance. So we did.

Once we returned to inside the house we found the activity to be picking up. We sat around the downstairs table, lit some candles and turned off all the lights and set up a space for Katie to pull cards in relation to the house and its occupants. We began to hear footsteps all around, and even disembodied voices coming from upstairs. Whenever we decided to move to follow the sounds of the activity, it all seemed to stop. Other than a few bumps and knocks the house became eerily quiet. An Estes session yielded very little insight, and it seemed we had hit a wall in our attempts to communicate with whatever was in the house.

So we returned outside to do an Estes session on the porch with the intention to specifically contact the “Up.” Katie settled in, and very quickly addressed the group with a “Hello, How are you?” Throughout the conversation we were told we were speaking to the Star people, specifically a being that referred to itself as Un’dred (pronounced like OON Dred) that

 stated it would appreciate some more bread and butter, and would enjoy another smoke with us. The conversation was short, but enlightening. I couldn't believe that somehow we had managed to potentially contact beings from the “stars” that had not only appreciated the ritual and offerings we had given but also acknowledged enjoying them! The conversation was brief, but it was evident that the ritual we performed had not gone unnoticed and we may have begun the early stages of connecting with the “star people.” It was an amazing learning experience for sure! After that Estes session I gave the seat a shot, but wasn't able to really understand anything coming through so Katie sat down and pulled more cards for the evening and we began to wrap up the investigation.
This was the first time I had been apart of an investigation that truly incorporated different styles and aspects of the occult and paranormal studies, and it was amazing. I will definitely be adding these touches to investigations in the future. And until next time Octagon Hall, tell your star people I got one rolled up just for them!!

Written by Rachel L. Decker

Thursday, October 3, 2019


I have often thought of myself as an agent of change. I believe it, and so, in my reality, that’s what I am.
If we believe it to be true, it is.
This can get pretty delusional, pretty damn quick, lol. But ride the wave for a second. Keep a good middle ground in your head, stay away from extremes, and believe something to be true about yourself.
Now, let’s push this to the extreme a little bit.
Let’s say, what we’ve believed to be true becomes something we absolutely need, because we believe we need it.
So, this new truth becomes a need, a must have. Maybe even a beyond-truth. Maybe that’s unimportant.

I wanna drop into feelings now, but I’ll come back to needs, and whether they’re believed by us to be true or “real” we’ll discard because they mean the same thing.

So, what got me thinking about love, like THINKing about it instead of *feeling* it, was a conversation I had with a stranger today. We were talking about cat litter, lol, and I brought up my cats’ needs for litter (they’ve got the sensitive skin). This stranger says, “sounds like the cats have the upper hand in your relationship.”

How absurd.

My cats have the basic needs of super clean litter boxes because their bodies are sensitive to sharing the space with each other. Isn’t a relationship with any animal (we’re including humans under the
animal umbrella) about meeting the basic needs of each other? So, now, I love my cats. So, then, wouldn’t I want to do everything in my power to make their lives as special and wonderful as I can? How is that my cats having the upper hand? Let’s remember, I love them. I understand that they are cats, and I understood what they have to offer before I decided to bring them home. Can you feel me getting mad rn? I’m mad at this dude all over again, lol.

Ok, so let’s jump to romantic love. Our basic needs must be met. What are those for you? And I’m not talking about making some arbitrary checklist for the “perfect soul mate”. I’m not talking about what you need from someone else. What the fuck do YOU need? I need an hour before I leave the house to get my brain ready for people, lol. I need entire days alone. If my stomach is upset, I need to watch crappy movies. Those are the facts. If you become hardcore about fulfilling your own needs, you’ll eventually get that dream relationship you *thought* you could contain within a list. Cuz let’s be real, it’s not about having shit in common. It’s about finding the same type of creature.


Let’s say, hey, it’s cuffing season and your heart is particularly tender. You go on a date. This person is pretty cool. You start spending time together. You sacrifice a need here and there.

Back to belief!

Sacrificing your needs can unlatch these beliefs you had in yourself. (I will clarify, also, that I’m talking about soul-level beliefs. I’m not talking about ego beliefs like you have to have your coffee a certain way every day or life is over. Like, get a grip, lol. I mean, obvi if you have allergies, ok bad example. Hopefully you get where I’m going bc I have no more examples, lol). By not taking care of your basic needs, you diminish the belief you have in yourself. That’s why self-care has become a booming new business. It’s not because bath bombs open up a gateway to your soul, although it feels like it is, lol. It’s because you needed that time for yourself. You needed to feel good!


I think love is meeting needs, for whoever. People might jump and say, going above and beyond needs! But like, don’t wear yourself out lol. Meeting needs is great because you’re just being your best version of self, so, how can you even DO more?

So, I guess I wrote this to be like, “don’t let cuffing season let you diminish the belief you have in yourself.”

Interview with a Ghostpire: Thelonious Monk

Today on Interview with a Ghostpire, I’m talking to Thelonious Monk about synchronicities.  Thelonious, I’m dying to know, do you thi...