——it’s important you remember that I’m writing this from my perspective/reality—-
Pulling into the Octagon Hall driveway felt like time travel. And it’s not because you’re looking at a preserved piece of history, but because the air felt old. I stayed in the car while everyone went inside for a run-down on the location. I like to enter a place with as little knowledge of the property as possible, that way, when I make wild claims, it’s with less bias. I had a lot of mixed feelings upon arrival, so I did a little meditation before I went inside.
I got out of the car and touched the yard, met the trees, and walked the property line. The owners of the building took off, so I did my own little walk-through of the house before it got dark.
I didn’t get too many feelings on the first floor. It was all about the meeting room and the kitchen in the basement for me.
It was all about the yard and the barn for me, too.
Earlier that day, Rachel and I had prepared the ritual we were going to do that night. She had mentioned she wanted to summon the “up”, so we prepared our elements. The first time I concocted this ritual, it was on a massive scale. The entire alter was the roof of Fort Knox (it’s a Haunt ME episode if you haven’t seen it). Here, at Octagon Hall, there’s a circular opening in the trees that I knew was our location. The scale was much smaller, but this was my 4th time with the ritual now, so I felt confident in the practice.
In they came. And quick. Before we could make a plan, the yard and driveway were teaming with creatures. It was just like the M. Night Shamalan movie “Signs”, like no-joke tho. I would hear branches moving and you’d see an arm or leg and then it would blend into the surroundings. I was hearing noises everywhere. I was feeling like they were trying to talk to me, but the way they manipulate sound is hard to understand. It’s like they have 4 vocal chords that vibrate on different levels and they try to manipulate multiple sounds we hear into one word. It’s hard to describe, but lol, also hard to listen. (This ‘manipulation of sound’ was a first time occurrence for me. The other times I practiced the ritual, I heard voices in our language). I see a giant white creature on all fours, with like, a big ol round butt like a polar bear, run away from me toward the barn. The door slams shut and we all move closer. As we get closer and closer to the barn, the intensity dissipates. I turned to the house and saw someone on the roof. It dawned on me that the barn was a distraction while whoever all went inside the house. I was nervous, but I knew we all needed to go inside as well.
Inside the house we heard voices and footsteps, but no contact with the creatures whatsoever. Earlier in the night, during my lil walk-thru, I had an experience in the meeting room in the basement, so I figured that would be a good place to start an Estes Method session. My experience was a vision. I was standing behind a circular table, looking out of the window and I felt like I was one of the men that used to conspire in that room. I *knew* that I was staring at a woman that I, meaning whatever man was showing me the vision, would later sexually assault. She was crying. It was devastatingly intense. I got the feeling a lot of sinister plans were made in that room, alas, the session yielded no evidence of my claims.
Next up, an Estes Method session outside on the porch. Now THIS was wild to me. I’m not totally sure how “wild” it was to the other ladies, but this was a session like I had never experienced before. Instead of hearing the voices under the radio waves, it seemed like whoever was talking to me, they called themselves “Star people” (which made me cringe cuz it seems corny lol), they took the radio frequencies and changed them into words. It’s so hard to describe, and it was so hard to decipher what they were saying. Ok, I’m gonna try to describe this better. You know how, when you’re using a spirit box, you hear blips of the radio stations? Well, it took those radio sounds and strung them together like beads on a necklace. The radio sounds warped into words and they spoke over many frequencies. It was like 1 word took at least 6 or 7 stations to come through. Remember how I said it seemed like they had 4 vocal chords? That was coming through via the spirit box. You’ll have to read Rachel’s write up for exactly what I said because I don’t even remember. I just remember concentrating soooo hard to try to hear what they were saying. I know I missed most of it. This was unlike any Estes/spirit box session I’ve ever encountered. I’ve never heard anything manipulate the box like that, and I haven’t since. Rachel got into the session, but she couldn’t figure out what they were saying either. But like, I’m not surprised. What surprises me the most is how often we get answers in the English language lol. But maybe that’s just because telepathic communication ultimately ends up through our lens. Anyway, that’s basically it. To me, whatever creatures I experienced outside communicated in the same way as what spoke to me in the spirit box, but I didn’t get the feeling they were around us anymore when we were doing the session. Who knows tho, maybe that’s just because I was focused on the session, or maybe they changed their vibration and I couldn’t tune into it anymore. I have no clue. All I know is that I felt on high alert right after we finished the ritual and all of that went away when we went inside. I don’t think it went away BECAUSE we went inside, I just think the intensity stopped at that moment. What a fun investigation tho. 10/10 recommend.
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