Don’t you think we’re in shift in time/space/energy so big that it’s on a galactic level? Don’t you feel this incredible build up that started last December? It feels like it grows in inches, but that’s because we’re humans with short lives.
The build up has begun to change. It’s less that it feels like it’s growing and more that it feels like it’s morphing. People are changing and growing. The way we interact is coming full circle. The way we were once mesmerized by technology is slowing down. We’re coming back to our roots. We’re wanting human interaction and face to face conversations.
As I walked into the cemetery this morning I was thinking about the time a dude wanted me to write the cards for his “female empowerment tarot deck.” As if that’s a man’s to give. Obviously my eyes rolled back into another dimension before I replied to him, but as I continued to think of this story my mind was stopped by something pulling me into the cemetery. It pulled so hard and so fast I was tripping over my legs. I visit this cemetery 2-3 times a week on average, but I had taken a long break. I think it had been a month since my last visit.
Once inside I noticed all of these piles of leaves and sticks on the walkway. I thought they were raked up and had potentially been the work of someone cleanting up the area, until I noticed all of the sticks were full of bite marks. A little strange but still probably the work of someone cleaning up.
I didn’t have a lot of time today, so I high-fived my tree friends, gave my offerings through the portal, and kept the conversations short. A whole new area of the cemetery was calling to me today, but I didn’t have time to give it the attention it wanted. I’m only one person, but there’s so many places that need love and affection.
Take this as a call to arms, witches. Get out there and love your patches of grass, trees, birds, bugs, and everything sharing the land with you. Nature is thirsty for love and affection and it needs you. I am of firm belief that the pollution we place upon this planet, the trash we create every gd day pollutes other realms as well. We’re having a bigger effect then we even think. I implore you to discipline yourself into buying less, using less plastic, and making conscious decisions every day to add more love into the world.
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